Local Leaders Agree: Dan Has the Character and Competence to Get The Job Done


Join the coalition to return our progressive values to City Hall by electing renter, Santa Monica Pier Board Member, LGBTQ+ veteran, and former Vice President of the Santa Monica Democratic Club Dan Hall to City Council!

Rick Chavez Zbur

State Assemblymember for Santa Monica

“I’m proud to endorse Dan Hall for Santa Monica City Council because I’m confident that he will be a champion for working families and progressive values. His demonstrated record tackling climate change and fighting for the underrepresented is exactly the kind of leader I want to partner with as we tackle tough regional issues like homelessness, environmental justice, growing anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, racism, antisemitism, and all forms of hate.

Dan will work for safe streets and neighborhoods, affordable housing, and greater access to public transit and bike lanes. As Santa Monica’s second-ever out LGBTQ+ Councilmember he will bring needed representation to the City Council. I urge Santa Monica to elect an extraordinary public servant and vote for Dan Hall.”

Sheila Kuehl

Former Los Angeles County Supervisor for Santa Monica

“I’m supporting Dan Hall for City Council because Dan is no stranger to solving tough problems. As a Santa Monica Pier Board Member he has demonstrated the courage to tackle tough challenges in a thoughtful and collaborative way and makes sure that the voices of our residents and businesses are heard. We need his energy and expertise representing us in City Hall.”

Gleam Davis

Santa Monica City Councilmember and Former Mayor

“Dan has a strong command of the complex issues our city faces. More importantly though, his background as a West Point graduate and service to our country under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” assures me he has lived the values of duty and selfless service to others that are critical in civic leadership. I have seen him listen and learn from experts, build coalitions to get things done, and sway opponents on issues to deliver what is right for our community. He will take care of our workers and small businesses and keep our neighborhoods clean and safe. He is a leader in every sense of the word and I am proud to endorse him for City Council.”

Jesse Zwick

Santa Monica City Councilmember

“Our community needs fresh, forward looking leaders like Dan Hall. Dan is committed to ensuring Santa Monica remains affordable for all and sustainable for future generations. He will be a strong advocate for affordable housing, streets that are safe for cars, bikes, and pedestrians, and will push for continued innovation in environmental sustainability. I look forward to working with him as our next City Councilmember.”

Dr. Sion Roy

Santa Monica College Board Trustee

“Dan Hall is a champion for policies that will set up children and students in Santa Monica to succeed. He is a strong advocate for a well supported and effective public education system from cradle to career. I’m thrilled that he wants to bring his voice to City Hall, where he will represent the diverse concerns of all Santa Monica families.”


Current and Former Elected and Appointed Officials
Community Leaders

* All titles are used for identification purposes only and do not imply organizational endorsements.

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